My first week in the high school only consisted of two days, but they were powerful days! My biggest take away from these two days was the teachers relationship with her students, peers, and the administration. This teacher had a truly amazing classroom community built with her students. The community spread to the hall, the lunchroom, and even included students that were not in any of her classes. I was amazed at just how much of a connection was forged with the students. It was awesome to see a big part of my teaching philosophy at play within another teacher's classroom. It gave me hope that it is possible to achieve and maintain in a high school setting.
Another big take away for me was the senior project. I did not have to complete a senior project in my final year of high school, so I did not fully understand the depth of the projects. I had a few brief encounters with them through cousins, but basically just heard the ranting and anxiety around them. It was very enlightening to sit through several Senior Skills class in which students were walked through a few steps and the importance of this piece. I left this week with a new view on senior projects and a better understanding of what this project is exactly.
I am looking forward to the next few weeks of being in a high school environment. Also, I am looking forward to seeing how senior classes are taught and managed. I have to admit that my senior year was one in which I began the senioritis stretch in October. I was never fully engaged or cooperative (in retrospect, this is a huge regret for me!) and it is a huge relief to me that there are senior students who are. I am excited to also be a part of such a strong and comfortable classroom community--this is absolute fuel for my teacher fire!
Amanda-I too feel my cooperating teacher has built a strong community with her fellow teachers and students. Senior projects fascinate me as well and I heard the buzz in the classes I observed.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're having such a positive experience! Look for the details and nuances that led to these relationships and community. How does your teacher talk to her colleagues, admins, and students? What kind of structures and expectations are implicit and explicit in the classroom?